Friday, January 23, 2009

Research Review: The Protein Debate with Dr. Lonnie Lowery

The Protein Debate

As we saw in yesterday's post, nutrition can make a difference (even in stroke patients). I know that is a "oh duh" statement, but sometimes it needs to be said once again.

I sent this information out to my newsletter earlier this week with some more background data also; so if you are not on my newsletter list head over to the upper right and be sure to sign up now! I will wait for you.

Ok, now that you are signed up, I have some great new information to share. My buddy Dr. Lonnie Lowery was kind enough to drop me a line that his new review (done with Devia a graduate student) on protein. I love it when others go and do all the hard work for me, so I can just sit back and sip my coffee and read away.

To quote Dr. Lowery "It's also a handy lit review when confronted with the 'three myths' or uncertainties of ample protein intake"

Check it out below and you can download the entire article there for free too from the JISSN.

Let me know your thoughts/comments! Information on Dr. Lonnie Lowery's services can be found on Charles Staley's site by clicking HERE.

Go to the link below for the study