As most readers know I am a big fan of Kettlebells (KBs) and have completed the RKC (Russian Kettlebell Certification) as a level 1 instructor. While there are not any systems I agree with 100%, (who does?) I found the training to be great and well worth my time. Not only do you have to pass a physical test when you show up (for me it was 74 snatches with the 55 lb KB with only ONE hand switch, only pause has to be at lockout above your head); you have to survive the entire 3 day course including the grad workout and be able to TEACH someone how to SAFELY use Kettlebells. The instructors were top notch and everyone there took it serious. For a full review, see my old posts below.
RKC Wrap Up
Where to Get Kettlebells and Instruction?
Testimonial from Rick Olson, RKC
So, I am going to be biased towards this approach. This AM, Ryan Shananaha (or something like that) and his Kettleworx appeared on the Kare 11 news showing off his new KB program. Now I did not personally see it, but I did some searching on the web and found this clip from his appearance on another morning news show.
Now I don't know this guy, I've never met him and honestly I could not find much information on him other than the bio that he puts out himself. The fact that he calls himself a "Fitness Expert" give me severe nausea.
Ryan Shanahan BIO:
Ryan is the world's leading kettlebell trainer and foremost expert in kettlebell fitness. He is an internationally acclaimed trainer who regularly works with superstars and exclusive private clients, including the cast and crew of major feature films. For over ten years, Ryan has conducted private kettlebell training sessions working out of the Toronto Film Studio and now has now developed KettleWorx for the general public. Other facts about Ryan: Over the last 20 years, he's played professional hockey, represented Canada at the World Duathlon Championship, completed 22 triathlons and 2 marathons. After just 7 weeks of intense training he earned 2nd place at the Heavyweight Drug Free Bodybuilding Contest in 2007. In addition to movie stars and models, Ryan has often worked with athletic trainers, physiotherapists, physicians and other fitness and health care professionals.
The Video Analysis Is In
From the video above, according to Ryan "You can do more things than you can with traditional Kettlebells"
What? It IS A FRIGGIN KETTLEBELL? I really don't understand this one at all. How can you do more with their KB and system? According to Ryan, with a TRADITIONAL KB you can only do a swing? What? While I do believe that a swing is the most basic KB exercise, there is a reason you need to start with the basics---they work great! Once you get that down, you can move on to other exercises like Turkish Get Ups (TGUs), cleans, presses,etc. The limits to KBs are only in your imagination. Come see me if you need a new version. Here is Steve Cotter doing some more advanced exercises
More Crap
Ryan continues "this one takes care of the trouble spots on the side. I call it a side disco bend"
What? Uh, earth to Ryan, this is commonly known a windmill.
Ryan keeps going "so as you stretch it leans out the muscle and as you come up it firms up the muscle"
Ok, this one had me pulling my hair out. As far as I have EVER seen, there is ZERO data to support the notion that stretching will "lean out a muscle" NOTHING! Heck, I don't even like static stretching, but I will not go there today.
While we are marching down the road of no data fresh from "The journal of results that I pulled out of my butt" here is a big one "as you come up it firms up the muscle" Um, yes, that is commonly known in the literature as a MUSCLE CONTRACTION! It is insulting to people to assume they don't know that.
Spot Reduction Is a Joke
While everyone would like to believe that the spot reduction myth is true, it is NOT. THERE ARE BASICALLY NO DATA TO SUPPORT THE SPOT REDUCTION MYTH. Doing all the crunches in the world will do bubkiss to deflate that spare tire. Before the pubmed ninja go all crazy on me, there are a handful of newer studies showing that localized fat loss is possible, but the amount loss is basically nothing so don't get your undies in a bunch.
So what do I do now? Hang on sparky and we will get to that, but there is even more! I know, I can't believe it either.
Look Mom, Horrible KB Swings!