Iron Radio TODAY!
Periodizing Training & Nutrition
EVENT: Iron Radio With Mike T Nelson
DATE & TIME: Friday, April 3rd at 2:00pm Eastern
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)
Topic: "Periodizing Training & Nutrition"
Random Thoughts
So all the cool kids are doing random thoughts, so I thought I would hop on the bandwagon. It will be a good way to get out some stuff in my blogger file that is probably not quite big enough for an article and if I get lots of questions of something I can then turn it into an article. Last time I checked I have >200 random things in there. Yikes.
1) My favorites shoes for training "The smarter the shoe, the dumber the foot" --Eric Cressey? Dr Cobb?
Not sure who I heard that one from first, but I totally agree. The short version is this
Train your feet for mobility first, then strength
Find a shoe that is as minimal as possible to prevent it from adapting the wrong direction.
Stiff shoes= stiff feet = messed up movement
Don't even get me started on high heals--horrible (any female readers I had just left. Drat)
My favorite shoes are shown below, the Tai-Chi Onistuka Tigers as worn in Kill Bill.

They are completely flat on the bottom, minimal support, although good lateral support for speed work and great grippy sole. I love them. My gait normally tests great in them too.
CSS is one of the only places you can find them and they are currently out of the yellow and black, but they are having a vote on the next style they are going to run, so vote HERE Do me a favor and vote for the black/whites ones as the other ones are U.G.L.Y
2) The last album from Scar Symmetry is amazing!
I am still listening to this CD almost daily after having it for over 5 months now. Amazing metal release and my fav of all last year. Check out the video below (note, a few seconds of possibly borderline non work friendly shots at times as a heads up)
Who says metal is not intelligent? Lyrics below for ya too
Lyrics | Scar Symmetry Lyrics | Morphogenesis Lyrics
3) The ACSM Annual Meeting Advance Program Available
Yes, I am a huge geek and have a whole vacation planned around the ACSM Conference coming up in late May. I presented a poster there last year and it was actually very good and much better than I expected (I thought it was going to be all cardio bunnies yacking about how running and aerobic training are the greatest thing ever; but it was not at all).
See below for notes from last year
ACSM Random Updates
If anyone is interested in an ebook about the latest in performance enhancement from the conference, drop me an email or place a comment below.
Email me by clicking here
Here is what they are saying about the meeting this year.
With a record-number of abstracts and more than 200 sessions, ACSM's 56th Annual Meeting promises to provide an exceptional array of cutting-edge science and clinical sessions. Check out the blend of expert speakers from around the globe, symposia and exhibits in the Advance Program by clicking HERE
If you are going to be at ACSM, let me know!
Rock on
Mike T Nelson